Austria, 19 april 2014

19 april 2014

Today, I would do the first of the 2 deep dives of my mod3 course. It would be an 80m dive. We went to divesite 'Ofen'. We did all the checks with the rebreathers and then entered the water. At 75m, I had a problem with one controller. A battery was empty. Strange, it were new batteries. I needed to abord the dive, sadly. So we didn't reach the 80m.

Then in the afternoon I needed to teach, so took my twinset to do a skilldive. 65minutes with a good student.

Then my buddy and I decided to do with new batteries another 80m dive. At 73m, my buddy had 2 oxygencells failed. They showed a PO2 of 2.0, which is impossible. So abording a dive again. Not the best day for diving today.